St James's Pre-school will be offering 30 hours free childcare from September 2025. Please use the following link to see if you are eligible.
At St James’s we follow the Early Years Foundation Curriculum, and pride ourselves in offering children a wide range of activities, both indoor and outside. Our pupils love to learn through play.
In our mini forest school area, children can play with water and sand, learn creative cooking, and play in the mud kitchen. On the designated playground, children can play on the climbing frame or enjoy balance bikes.
Children can start our Pre-school in the term after their 3rd birthday - places are offered dependent on numbers. The Pre-school is registered for nursery education funding and has three intakes: September, January and April. Before your child begins Pre-School, we will arrange a Home visit to allow staff to get to know your child and for you to get to know us!
Our staff ratio is 1:8. Each child is allocated a key worker, who tracks their development using our online assessment tool called Tapestry. Parents and carers are able to access this from home.
Each week, parents and carers are invited into Pre-school on ‘Walk in Wednesdays’ to spend half an hour with their child and to chat to their child’s Key Person, to hear how they are progressing.
You are welcome to come and look around our Pre-school! To make an appointment, call 01384 818810.
Please note that admission to our Pre-School does not guarantee a school place in Reception.