Maths at Home

Pupils in KS2 have access to Century and log-in details to access this online platform at home. Century plots a personal learning path for each pupil based on the gaps in their knowledge its assessments show. Teachers also set learning nuggets for pupils to complete. This is a superb resource for use at home.

This is a website that St James's CE Primary subscribe to and at the beginning of the year children in Year 2 to 6 are allocated/ reminded of their usernames and passwords. You will find stickers containing this information on your child's reading record or homework book. This site will support your children in learning their times tables at home. Although we teach time tables as part of our curriculum, pupils need to regularly practise them at home to become fluent. TTRockstars is a fun themed programme that pupils can use to gain that fluency if they play for a short time, for example 10-15 minutes, at least three times a week.
Log in to Times Tables Rockstars
Useful blog about learning multiplication tables
For additional support for learning Times tables, click here
This fantastic resources is all about the 'tripe win' of understanding, recall and fluency in mental addition and subtraction, so that they move from counting to calculating. Children are then given the opportunity to spend their in game earning to create their very own robot avators.
One Minute Maths with White Rose:
Individual one minute tasks focused on adding and subtracting and on 'subitising'.
Excellent practice – and no distractions.
A clear, intuitive process that children pick up straight away.
No login or internet access needed. Just download and play.
Enjoyable and motivating… How many can they get correct in one minute?
Helpful hints match those used in class.
Brilliant for building number fluency and confidence.
It’s FREE!